5 ways to improve your credit score

当涉及到获得 抵押贷款, 365asia手机, or 个人贷款, a high credit score offers several advantages. It can help you obtain better interest rates, more flexible terms, lower monthly payments, and more. 

A poor credit rating or lack of credit history can make it difficult for consumers to secure loans or make large purchases. It can also lead to higher interest rates on 365asia手机 or 抵押贷款. A FICO分数 of 800 or higher is considered exceptional, 740-799很好, 670-739号很好, 低于669对穷人是公平的.

A desirable rating tells lenders — such as credit unions and banks — that you’re financially responsible. Although building credit may seem intimidating, there are many different ways to improve your credit score.

5 simple ways to improve your credit score

1. 了解自己的信用等级.

You can order a free report each year from all three credit reporting agencies — Equifax, TransUnion, 和益百利. Many 信用卡 companies also provide free credit score updates via your monthly bill or online through their website or app. Make a habit of checking your credit score regularly. This will help prevent any fraudulent activity or identity theft. 

If your FICO分数 is lower than expected, don’t panic! There are many simple ways to start improving your credit score. 按时付款, 制定并执行预算, 使用理财工具, or signing up for a secured 信用卡 can drastically increase your rating. 

2. 制定预算,并严格执行!

Creating and sticking to a budget will help you make smarter financial decisions that will improve your credit score. If your monthly rent or 抵押贷款 payments, 保险支付, 杂货店帐单, 公用事业费用, 信用卡账单, 学生贷款, and more add up to more than your monthly income, it’s time to take an honest inventory of your current financial responsibilities. 

This means living below your means, spending only what you can afford, and avoiding any unnecessary spending. Remember: you don’t have to live this way forever, just until you improve your credit score. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • 把你每月的开支加起来. 任何一种都可以消除吗??
  • Does your monthly spending exceed your income? 
  • Can you lower your monthly living expenses, such as reducing the price of your rent? 
  • Can you downsize into a smaller, pre-owned vehicle?
  • Can you negotiate lower interest rates on your 信用卡 or 学生贷款?

3. 避免逾期付款.

If you’re regularly paying your student loan, 抵押贷款, 信用卡, or utility bills past their due dates, 是时候停下来了! This could be seriously hurting your credit score. 一个人的 payment history can make up to 35% of their overall rating, which can be especially damaging if you have little to no credit history. 

按时付款 will also help you avoid unwanted late charges and penalties. Financial organizations like Texas Tech Credit Union allow members to 设置自动提款 每个月 through their checking accounts. This prevents late payments, allowing members to schedule them whenever is most convenient. Many people set up automatic payments to be taken out a day or two after they receive their paychecks. 如果需要做任何更改, members can log in to their online bank accounts to delete or change payments at any time. 

4. 偿还任何逾期账款.

A late payment can stay on your credit report for up to 七年, so bringing all your past-due accounts current will boost your FICO rating. It will also prevent negative marks from further harming your credit score. If you’re past due on multiple accounts, it may be helpful to speak with a credit counselor who can negotiate a lower interest rate or set up a debt repayment plan that works for you.

Paying off any high revolving balances on 信用卡s can also improve your credit score. This includes payment cards and any lines of credit — keeping your 债信比 low tells creditors and lenders that you’re financially responsible.  

5. Avoid applying for new credit accounts too frequently.

Applying for new 信用卡s or loans places a 艰难的调查 关于你的信用档案. Although these marks may only negatively impact your rating by a few points, 多个查询可以加起来. Opening and closing 信用卡 accounts too often can also be a red flag to lenders and could mean a higher interest rate on a loan or 抵押贷款. Additionally, opening new accounts lowers their average overall age, hurting your FICO rating. 

Start improving your credit score

There are many ways to improve your credit score, and although it may seem like a difficult process, taking small steps can make a major difference. To stay updated on important financial tips, such as protecting your banking data or finding the lowest auto loan interest rates, 今天就订阅我们的博客吧